The Output devices integrated with Informo IP.

Informo IP is a highly flexible and customizable system that allows businesses to send real-time information in a way that suits their specific requirements.

Its license-based structure enables companies to tailor the system according to their needs and add more modules in the future if necessary.

Informo IP can be connected to devices directly, such as IP telephone switchboards with SIP Trunk, or through appropriate interface devices that can adapt to what is present.

Notifications can be sent in any supported format by the device intended to receive it. This includes simple text (e.g., received from a pager, Spectralink DECT handsets, cell phones), a phone call scanned in Italian and in English using Text to Speech technology, an email, or information panels, among others.

Different types of Informo IP output modules:
  • Sending messages to Tecnel application installed on Android® smartphone (Talk App) over Wi-Fi
  • Sending text messages (SMS) to cell phones
  • Sending Text Messages to Spectralink DECT Handsets (Kirk Denmark)
  • Sending phone calls to any phone in TTS (text-to-speech) mode
  • Sending messages by e-mail
  • Sending text messages to Pager
  • Sending Messages to Talk Panels
  • Send text messages to Telegram ® users (free/unlicensed)
  • Sending text and voice messages to Motorola DMR radios ®
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