The ideal pager call system for finding staff from a PC, Smartphone or Tablet

The INFORMO IP LITE system is a paging system designed for all
types of companies that need to contact staff via messages sent
from any PC, Smartphone or Tablet connected to the network.

It is perfect for the tourism sector, for multi-site structures, for industry and for logistics companies.


INFORMO IP LITE is the new generation personal calling system that allows you to send text messages to all the portable pagers supplied.

Messages are sent from PCs, Smartphones or Tablets connected to the company LAN network via the dedicated Web interface or from Wi-Fi buttons.

Messages sent from Wi-Fi buttons on pagers can be pre-set and programmed based on the type of press (single, double, long-lasting…).

The system can manage up to 8 Transmitters and can be used in multi-site mode: centralized installation and visibility on the network even by remote offices connected to the same LAN network.

The system is based on the INFORMO IP system architecture and therefore allows a possible upgrade to benefit from the complete services and functions (reporting of any type of alarm on the move).

Needs and advantages:

  • Call truck drivers for loading and unloading goods
  • Registration, assignment and distribution of pagers to transporters
  • Immediate call to customer reception staff from any PC, Smartphone or Tablet on the premises
  • Predefined or variable message from internal coordinators or directly from guests with exact indication of the task to be performed
  • Coverage of large areas and real-time coordination

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